Friday, June 12, 2015

A Child's Introduction to Cultures: If You Were Me and Lived in Scotland . . . . Hungary by Carole P. Roman [Review & Giveaway]

Summer is here. Kids are out of school. Vacations have begun and those can be local or anywhere else in the World besides your own backyard. But what if you're not going to get to go anywhere besides your own backyard? That doesn't mean your mind can't travel. So let's take a mind-vacation-trip. Today our introduction to cultures of the world takes us to Scotland and Hungary. Author Carole P. Roman continues writing her series of little books giving youngsters a glimpse into the lives of children in various countries.

ISBN13: 9781500531331


As with other books in the If You Were Me and Lived in….. series, Scotland is introduced to the reader as a part of the United Kingdom that is comprised of Britain, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. There are over 700 islands comprising Scotland. Edinburg is the capital and people have lived in that area for thousands of years.

Information of particular interest to the young child is included such as common names of boys and girls, what they call mother and father, special games, and foods that are eaten there.

Of course, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster is mentioned and the official animal of Scotland – the unicorn. The wearing of the kilt and of tartan is illustrated and explained.

At the back of the book is a guide to words of interest and how to pronounce them.
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ISBN13: 9781500483722


As with all of Carole P. Roman's Introduction to Cultures books, we begin with locating the country on the World globe. Did you know that Hungary is completely land-locked and in central Europe. Budapest is the capital and largest city no only of Hungary but also of the European Union?

Hungary is famous for its beautiful caves. There are over 700 caves they are famous for the stalagmites in the caves.

Goulash is a popular food and they use a lot of paprika to season their food.
They have their own holidays, too. Hungary's history dates back over 1,000 years.

At the end of the book there is a page of words with definitions that are good to know about Hungary.

To date, Carole P. Roman has written and printed more than ten of the If You Were Me and Lived in…… books. Chat With Vera has reviewed most of these. I invite you to read my reviews and see if these might be good books to add to the library of that special child of yours. They are especially nice to have on hand in the home school library or school classroom library.
Begins June 12 & ENDS June 30 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
DISCLOSURE: The author provided a complimentary copy of If You Were Me and Lived In Scotland and also .... Hungary in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed are solely my own and I was not compensated for this review. Giveaway prizes are provided by the author and sent directly to the winner.


  1. Hungary in 2013 was in such a bad economy that there were garage sales everywhere! In the park, at your house, everywhere. Scotland is part of the UK

  2. I haven't been to either country. I would love to go to Hungary because have friends that have been there and I also help people at my job doing Hungarian genealogy research. It is really interesting how the former Austrian Empire has been broken down into many different countries.

  3. I haven't been to either but I think it would be really interesting. My kids overturning about our world!

  4. I've been to Scotland and would go again. Its a wonderful country. The scenery is beautiful and the people are friendly. Skip the coffee though!

  5. Scotland: Haggis is really not bad.
    Hungary: Sad to say, I don't really know much about Hungary. Guess I need the book. :-)
    The Danube river flows through the capital city, Budapest.

  6. Scotland fought England for independence. Hungary is a country in Europe. (That's all I know!)

  7. I just found out that I have Scottish ancestors. It would be nice to visit some of the places they lived.

  8. No I haven't been to either country but I'd like to go to Scotland because it looks pretty & I love their accents.

  9. Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland is a private residence of England's Royal family.

    The capitol of Hungary is Budapest.

  10. Looks like you are missing my first comment from June 12th. We went to Vidampark in Budhapest in 2013. We only did the amusement park side and did not visit the zoo. All of the rides are gone except for the culturally significant ones. They are still in operation by the zoo. I would love to go again.

    1. Emi - Your June 12 comment is the first one in this group of comments and you commented on the bad economy. Thank you for visiting. I hope someday you will be able to visit again. Love when our dreams are fulfilled.

  11. I have never been to either place, but have always dreamed of visiting Hungary since that is my family's country of origin. I love being Hungarian! :)

  12. I've never traveled to either. I hear Scotland is beautiful...and very green! And I love Hungarian food...I think I'd do a lot of eating there!


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