Thursday, November 5, 2015

Frozen Wild: How Animals survive in the Coldest Places on Earth by Jim Arnosky [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN: 9781454910251 - $14.95 ($16.95 Can)
Sterling Children's Books ~ Ages 6-10
About the book: Young explorers and animal enthusiasts are in for a treat with Frozen Wild: How Animals survive in the Coldest Places on Earth (Sterling Children’s Books, Sept. 2015).

Kids can bundle up and join award-winning author, illustrator, and naturalist Jim Arnosky as he ventures into the cold to follow otters, beavers, moose, polar bears, penguins, fur seals, and other fascinating creatures to learn how they cope with the frigid weather. Stunning art and five magnificent foldouts reveal worlds under the ice and up to the farthest, frostiest reaches of the globe, capturing fascinating creatures in their natural habitats.

My thoughts: As Winter begins to close in, creatures of every description begin to prepare themselves for what lies ahead. As humans, adults and children alike, we have managed to secure warm housing, food aplenty, and adequate clothing. But what about the animals in these cold climates? Ever wonder just how they manage to survive?

The author and illustrator, Jim Arnosky, has a wonderful book replete with fold-out pages that show just how some of these creatures live and thrive in the sub-sub-cold. His illustrations are particularly beautifully, detailed, and articulately accurate.

Details of animals going under the ice for survival, of migrating or swimming in Arctic waters with waterproof fur or extra thick layer of fat (blubber), growing extra fur or downy layers to insulate them from the snow and cold. Amazing! Mr. Arnosky illustrates the portion of the globe where these creatures live and informational details such as "no actual pole at the North Pole, it is a measurement." Or actual degrees Fahrenheit at the South Pole. (If we think "0" degrees Fahrenheit is cold, try -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit.)

The "Author's Note" at the back of the book is enlightening with facts as well and he says, "From pole to pole,our beautiful blue planet is an oasis of life spinning slightly tilted through space. And it is that tilt creating our seasons that has fostered a diversity of interconnected living things that we are only beginning to truly understand."

A book Chat With Vera highly recommends and encourages parents and librarians everywhere to obtain a copy.
Begins November 5 ENDS November 25 @ 12:00 a.m. ET
Open to USA addresses only.
Author/illustrator: Artist and naturalist Jim Arnosky has been honored for his overall contribution to literature for children by the Eva L. Gordon Award and the Washington Post/Children’s Book Guild Award for nonfiction. Many of his books have been chosen as ALA Notable Books, including Wild Tracks! A Guide to Nature’s Footprints and Thunder Birds: Nature’s Flying Predators, which was also included on the Bluebonnet Master List for the state of Texas. Jim lives in South Ryegate, VT. Please visit to learn more.

Images in review are reprinted with permission from Frozen Wild © 2015 by Jim Arnosky, Sterling Children’s Books, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Illustrations by Jim Arnosky.

DISCLOSURE: I was provided a complimentary copy from Sterling Children's Books on behalf of the author to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. During the winter months I am thankful for a nice, warm home with a quilt keeping me comfy!

  2. I learned that Jim Arnosky has written other books that also have awesome illustrations.

    1. I also learned that Jim loves to fish, boat, and play his guitar.

  3. I am thankful for a warm home and clothing and a fireplace just in case the furnace ever fails. sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

  4. I learned Jim has songs and ebooks.

  5. I'm most thankful for a hot cup of tea & a warm bed.

  6. During the cold winter months I am thankful for a nice warm house!

  7. I am most thankful for a nice warm home.

  8. I am most thankful for my warm, well almost warm house and my soft and warm fleece blanket my son got me last year for Christmas.

  9. I learned he has drawing lessons on his page and lots of other cool animal stuff.

  10. I love the winter, but I'm thankful for a cozy house and warm coats and boots. Ialso love to watch the cardinals and blue jays in our back yard.

  11. I'm most thankful for the heater. It keeps me nice and warm.

    I learned:

    1) Mr. Arnosky also gives drawing lessons.
    2) Mr. Arnosky has recorded songs.

    Thank you :)

  12. Warm blankets and central heating.

  13. I like feeding wild birds year round but especially love watching them fill up at the feeder during a snow storm, sometimes there are so many cardinals in the trees it looks like a Christmas card. I am thankful for my wild bird friends.

  14. I visited the site and learned that there is a lot of interaction with the books available. I really liked the gifs on the Swamp Stories link.

  15. I'm thankful for a warm home and hot chocolate..;).

  16. Jim Arnosky was born in New York City, NY and he is self taught in writing, art and the natural sciences. I love that his books have such beautiful art!

  17. That it isn't hot and humid! We live in coastal Alabama. For the first time in months I'm grateful I have a hot computer on my lap all day.

  18. I learned man gave names to all the animals! Really! I also learned Jim has drawing lessons you can download from his website.

  19. I love sitting in a warm house and watching it snow. I'm thankful for a my home and the comfort it gives me.

  20. I learned that Jim Arnosky was honored for his lifetime contribution to science, and he offers projects that teachers can utilize in the classroom.

  21. I'm not quite sure that I'm grateful for the cooler months, because I live in Florida where it is still in the 80s. I am grateful for the days that I spend with my grandchildren, though.

  22. I'm not understanding what you mean by the Pinterest follow URL. I followed Sterling Publishing as Fee Roberts on Pinterest.

  23. Fascinating facts. Thanks for linking up at Literacy Musing Mondays. I'll include your link in my giveaway roundup.

  24. I am most thankful for a warm home and warm food during the winter months
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  25. I learned that Jim lives in Vermont and has raised sheep
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  26. I learned that Jim Arnosky has written other books and that he has drawing lessons you can download from his website.

  27. I'm thankful for the warm blankets on my bed.

  28. I'm so grateful for hot showers and a warm house!

  29. Thanks for the book. We got it in this week. My daughter loves learning about animals and immediately began telling me animal facts! Thanks again.


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