Sunday, December 4, 2016

Science Encyclopedia: Atom Smashing, Food Chemistry, Animals, Space, and More! by National Geographic Kids [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN: 978-1426325427
$24.99 Hardcover

My thoughts: How do you say "Wow" with super exclamations that go pow and wow? Well, that's what Science Encyclopedia: Atom Smashing, Food Chemistry, Animals, Space, and More deserves.

This is a giant of a book in size (measures 9.5 x 0.9 x 12.2 inches), in pages (304), and in mind-blasting information.

Be prepared to sit for hours, days, months delving into the facts and fun information that is packed inside this real treat of a book for kids ages 8 to 12. Well, older and younger kids and adults will all spend much time sifting through the vast amount of information it contains.
The pictures capture the reader's attention and the occasional side-joke softens the learning a bit. We all know that good teachers are often the ones that bring a bit of levity to the classroom.

I love the index and glossary at the back beause they make investigative reading and learning easier. There are also lists of other materials the reader can source for further study.

This is a superb book for home, school, and public libraries and I can highly recommend it to my readers. Another superb publication from National Geographic Kids.

About the book:  Food chemistry, atom crashing, wave power, food chemistry, and robots! These are just a few of the topics covered in this fantastic new science encyclopedia, which presents a comprehensive overview of physical and life sciences from A to Z. Super smart and kid-friendly, it’s packed with full-color photographs, weird but true facts, amazing statistics, do-it-yourself experiments, plus profiles of scientists and National Geographic's explorers who rock the world of science. Keep up with the changes happening all around us with this stellar science reference book.
Begins December 4
ENDS December 12 @ 12:01 a.m ET
Open to USA addresses only.

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review of my own opinions which are freely given without censure. Giveaway copy is provided by the publicist or publisher directly to the winner.


  1. We're interested in the universe and earth sciences.

    NGeo Web site: (1) There are wacky animal hairdos, and (2) jokes!

  2. I am a nurse, so this is easy. Anything to do with medical science!

  3. We love the interactive maps with places around the world. We also like the animals with the great photographs.

  4. They love butterflies. They love to watch them develop from caterpillar to full grown beauties.

  5. My kids are interested in weather--especially storms and extreme weather.

  6. Mine are curious about the sky/clouds.

  7. My youngest is really interested in Chemistry--meaning he likes mixing things and seeing what happens. He's also curious about DNA. My older two are really interested in mechanics and how things work.

  8. My kids like the birds and dinosaurs on there.

  9. My son loves Earth Science. He always looks forward to talking about plants and labeling them.

  10. I always found biology fascinating. The science of living things is vast and intricate.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  11. On their site I like these two features: Don't Become a Penguin's Dinner and Vote on favorite photos.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  12. My granddaughters would like the somethings fishy and snakes and more sections.

  13. Our little guy loves dinosaur fossils. He spent a long time drawing them recently at the Peabody Museum.
    patricia dot mariani dot esq at g mail dot com


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