Thursday, June 15, 2017

National Georaphic Kids' 2018 Almanac helps to stop the "Summer Slide" by providing fun and challenging reads for your kids [Review & Giveaway]

I completely believe that play is the work of children and lack of untethered playtime causes detriment to their overall development. However, even considering the value of free time with time to play and relax, the summer with its unfettered time away from the classroom has its downside. It's call the SUMMER SLIDE. I don't mean a water slide or backyard slip 'n slide. I mean the mental, educational, mind numbing slide where the child's brain begins to slide or coast along. It is belileved that reading skills are lost during the summer vacation period and it takes time to regain those skills. No, they don't just pick up where they left off, they have to regain lost skills. Teachers have to work to get student's brain development back on track. It is said,  "Brain drain is very real and has lasting repercussions that can impact a student’s long-term academic performance."

So parents need an effective and affordable way to ensure students are on track academically and you can visit the library, purchase books, swap books - get the kids reading. They have play time and they will need to have "down" time where they are inactive and yet not bored. Reading provides that non-boring down time when their body can relax and rest and tbeir mind can maintain the reading skills learned the previous school year.

My grandchildren just love the National Geographic Kids Almanac and having one of their very own rather than borrowing it from the library or a friend provides more bang for the buck than you can imagine. Sized for handy carrying about, it is literally packed full of fun information on a variety of subjects and presented in eye grabbing detail and imagry so that their attention focuses on the pages in front of them and they simply become engrossed in the subject. Then there are activities that they can take their own pencil or pen to and mark up to their heart's content.

Workbook? No. This is a fun book. An information treasure trove. A journey into the detail or the minute and a fact finding puzzle journey of the  mind.

I encourage you to grab one for the age 8-12 (and perhaps a bit older, too) child in your life.
The Nat Geo Kids Almanac 2018 (ages 8-12, $14.99) is the perfect way to take a big bite out of the summer slide.
Begins June 16
Ends July 7 at 12:01 a.m. EDT
Open to USA addresses only.

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from MMPublicity to facilitate a review. Opinions are my own and freely given.


  1. "What is your choice of activities to keep your child active through the summer and also keep their mind energized? Leave your choices in the comments section, please."
    1. Reading.
    2. Writing.
    3. Arithmetic.

  2. 1. Reading
    2. Hiking at a state park near us
    3. Playing educational computer games

  3. 1. Trips to the library to select new books.
    2. Reading books together and alone.
    3. Pre-writing and writing activities like journaling.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  4. 1. Learn new hobby like knitting
    2. Read
    3. Do activity books

  5. 1. Playing outside together
    2? Reading
    3. Swimming

  6. 1. Parachute play
    2. Swimming
    3. Reading books

  7. 1) Joining the summer library reading program
    2) Kayaking
    3) Traveling

  8. Reading, gardening, playing outdoors

  9. Reading,Enjoying and Appreciating Nature, Learning something new.

  10. What is your choice of activities to keep your child active through the summer and also keep their mind energized? Leave your choices in the comments section, please.
    1. Reading
    2. Workbooks
    3. Field Trips

  11. 1. Going to the Library
    2. Playing board games that are learning and fun!
    3. Working in our garden

  12. 1. Trips to the library.
    2. Craft classes at AC Moore/Michaels.
    3. Wood working classes at Loews/Home Depot.

  13. 1. going to the zoo/museum/aquarium
    2. walking the dog - exercise and responsibility
    3. reading together


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