Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Golden Glow by Benjamin Flouw from Tundra of Penguin Random House Publishing

ISBN: 978075264120
US $17.99 - CA $21.00
The Golden Glow is an adventure of an outdoors loving Fox that rivals John Muir and others. True, this is a children's picture book story of a Fox's adventure seeking an elusive blossom to place in his personal book of botanical drawings. But it is much more. It is a story of accomplishment and the sense of fulfillment one gains from enduring until a goal is attained.

The story is quietly and gently told in lovely prose that walks with Fox as he engages friends along the trail in his adventure to find the elusive blossom. He sees, too, his friends in the already discovered trees and flowers that populate the forests and trails.

While the illustrations are a somewhat abstract art form done using straight lines and angles, the  animals, trees, and flowers are identifiable. The colors are lovely and as Fox goes through this adventure shades lighten and begin to glow. A lovely blending of story and illustration that compliment each other.

I see this as a story of personal accomplishment and the "glow" one feels once he has met a goal or reached the height of a job well done. The Golden Glow allows for children to begin to appreciate the beauty and resources of the great out of doors as well as one's own inner sense of seeking out to reach an elusive goal.

Beautiful book.

DISCLOSURE: I won a copy of this book on Early Reviewers program. A review is freely given and solely of  my own opinions.

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